Giant Rainbow Trout | Sacramento River - CA
by Kirk Portocarrero 8-3-2020 Website
In all of my 32 years of guiding on the river this fishing got big trout is the best I've seen !! These trout have been averaging 18 to 2O inches .Since the opener August 1we have been taking advantage of this fantastic fishery and putting the hurt on these giant bows .Drifting with light tackle has been the best way if fishing .I will be jumping back and forth from Kings to rainbows .Call 530/515/5951 and follow me on Facebook and Instagram Sacriverguide since 1988 full time
Photo Credit: Captain KirkPortocarrero
Photo Credit: Captain KirkPortocarrero
Photo Credit: Captain KirkPortocarrero
Photo Credit: Captain KirkPortocarrero
Photo Credit: Captain KirkPortocarrero
Captain Kirk Portocarrero is a full-time, professional fishing guide and outfitter, solely, for 29 years straight, owner & operator of Northern California's SacRiverGuide.com. Kirk started at age 15, in the salmon fishing industry in SF and then migrating to Northern California, with a team of 5 guides working for him. He is on the water at least 300 days a year, and his expertise is like none other, providing top of line guide services and equipment, ensuring a successful day of fishing. Specializing Northern California and Southern Oregon fishing for salmon, trout, and steelhead. Call (800) 670-4448 to get in on the action.